
Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 4 ~ Foodie Rehab Juice Fasting Journal & Recipes

It’s day four of the juice fast and I am doing surprisingly great. I thought this would be hard, but the truth about it is, it’s easy. You just do fresh juice, clear broth or herbal tea, a no brainer, no food to think about. I am lovin da green juice, I mean when I drink it I feel good right away. I am not starving like I thought I would, and that is what I feared most, maybe that’s because I’m drinking the vitamins equivalent to 2 huge organic salads and fruit. I’m getting more nutrition now then when I was eating normally, and I would get hungry every 4 hours. On the juice fast so far I’m not very hungry – total shocker. I did avoid going to a crawfish party yesterday just to be safe.

Here’s what I’ve been doing so far:

5 small oranges – 1 Pint of OJ

Green drink (Fun variations) – 2 pints

Fresh Chicken Broth – 2 small hot mugs

Pineapple Cantaloupe Juice – 1 pint

I thought I would be drinking way more, but this seems to be enough so far. I have been having headaches probably from the bacon laden toxic blubber masses I’m slowly discarding. I’m excited to try out some watermelon juice soon. I tried on a suit jacket I couldn’t button for and interview I have on Wednesday, and it buttoned easy. I guess I am going to have to go buy a bathroom scale, I think I’m gonna weigh in once a week.

The only other thing I noticed so far is that last night I was sleepy at like 11pm, unheard of in my world, it’s more like 2am or 3am when I start to feel the need to turn off the light. I suffer from insane insomnia and have a hard time falling asleep. I have had to take 3 Excedrin PM’s to get me to settle down at night, last night I only took two and slept fine. Maybe in time, I will be able to sleep normally again and not need them at all. We will see.

1 comment:

  1. I just started a juice fast today and I'm going to go for 30 days. I just got to the point where I needed a full reset. Good luck to you!
