Sunday, April 26, 2015

The San Andreas Malts Oyster BBQ 2015!

Print Friendly and PDFToday I had the honor of attending the annual San Andreas Malts Oyster BBQ.  OMG, I can hardly move. : )

I was a guest of Kevin Johnson, ... The World Cup Home Brewing Champion 2015!  Kevin taught me how to make beer, and being a home brewer, I get invited to some bitchin parties, and this annual event is one of the best!

Fresh BBQ Oysters with Home made Pesto Sauce.

Every year since 1978, the members of the San Andreas Malts, a San Francisco home brew club, have been throwing themselves a party. What began in club founder Terry Brandborg’s back yard has evolved into the club’s biggest event of the year. And while many home brew clubs have get together's, this is the only one we know of that celebrates with both beer and barbecued oysters.
The picnic is held in San Pedro State Park in beautiful Pacifica, CA, a quaint coastal town along Highway One a few miles south of San Francisco. The lush green space is ideal, with picnic tables and a bank of grills. Everywhere you look is green, from the wide-open grassy plain to the surrounding hills, thick with trees.

The club supplies all the oysters and members and their families each bring a potluck dish to share. I brought a huge pan of Rump Shaking Dirty Rice with Smoked Sausage.  It was a hit, but let's talk about the epic Oysters!  They were sensational!

Pesto BBQ Oysters!
Some are grilled plain, but the majority are grilled with one of two sauces developed specifically for the event. The first, a traditional red sauce created by Mark K.  He mixes up ketchup, horseradish, lemon juice, and dried cayenne peppers to taste. It's like Teriyaki, but BETTER!  The other is Fresh Pesto, OFF THE HOOK GOOD!

The oyster Shucking Team worked their beer brewing booties off!

The home brewers brought there own beer for all of us to enjoy, I can barley type this.
Outstanding Home Brew!
It's easier with beer!
Shucking Lots and Lots of Oysters!
Mark at work on the grills.
An amazing band made the day complete!
Shucking ain't easy.
Good Friends, Great Beer, Fun Music & Fabulous BBQ'd Oysters!!


  1. Thanks for a great review of our event Tré Taylor!
    And I really enjoyed your dirty Rice dish - I had seconds in fact!

    Mark "K" (Kornmann) has done a wonderful job for years securing the same picnic site and fresh oyster from Tomales Bay every year for decades.

    Hope you got to try some of the Abita Pumpkin/Peach Imperial Pilsner I brought in the 1/2 size Firkin cask (aka a"pin".)

    Hope to see you and all of the Malts at next years Oyster BBQ!

  2. I feel so lucky to be included in this amazing annual event! It takes a lot of hard work from the brewer club members, and some serious shucking from all. Terrific fun!
