Balance is needed to maintain a proper lifestyle of
Music, Art & Debauchery.
I brought a really nice Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor second hand for $50 off of Craigslist and have been trying out all kinds of great recipes. I got an informative book Juice Fasting and Detoxification, for guidelines. Its summer and the local farmers markets are open and thriving selling local reasonably priced organic fruits and vegetables. If you have ever thought about doing a juice fast yourself, follow along my experience to see how it’s going. I'm going to juice fast for 20 days and if I feel good, I'll keep on going. Jeez, if my indulgent lazy arse can do it, anybody can.Music, Art & Debauchery.
Day 1
Had my first Green drink, pretty good. Feeling empty but not hungry. For breakfast I had a fresh pineapple cantaloupe juice, really good! I baked Joan’s little coconut birthday cake Happy 79th birthday Joan! And didn’t even think about tasting it. I’m not a big coconut fan. Last night was harder when I made her fresh battered fried shrimp, fish & chips… I didn’t even try any! I have been eating mostly fresh fruit and veggies for the past two weeks in preparation.
Truth is I am scared. If I don’t clean out my body, drop some pounds and get into a better balance physically, I may get really sick. I want more energy, stamina and strength then I have right now. I have been really stressed out (Too many very close friends dying too young of health related illnesses lately) my body reacts by giving me the painful and awful “Shingles”, not good let me tell ya. I think it’s a sign of a compromised immune system, cleaning mine out and infusing my body with fresh live organic juices is just what I need. So far I feel motivated and surprisingly not hungry.

Today's Recipes:
Started the day out with two....
Pineapple - Cantaloupe Juice
1/2 Fresh pineapple
1/2 Fresh Cantaloupe melon
(The melon balances the over sweetness of the pineapple, really satisfying juice combo)
then for dinner had....
Green Alkalizing Juice Recipe
4 large stocks of kale
2 Stalks of celery
2 carrots
1/2 Cucumber
2 granny smith apples
Ginger root (thumb sized)
Place in a juicer and strain well. Juice fasting makes every other natural method work faster: massage therapy works faster for fibromyalgia, acupuncture works faster for pain, energy healing is sped up, etc. Juice fasting is a multidimensional experience in which total body transformation occurs. There are a wide range of metabolic changes and experiences. The blood and lymph are detoxified.
When juice fasting, the release of toxins from the colon, kidneys, bladder, lungs, sinuses, and skin clears out complications that have arisen from a bad diet and unhealthy lifestyle. The benefits of following a juice fast include heightened spiritual awareness and relaxation of the body, mind, and emotions. Many people feel a sense of letting go of pain from the past and developing a positive attitude towards the present. During juice fasting, the body is able to clean out its system because it is not expending energy towards the digestive organs. Raw juices contain certain natural medicines, vegetal hormones and antibiotics.
For instance, string beans are said to contain insulin-like substance. Certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber and onion juices. Fresh juices of tomatoes, garlic, onions, and radish contain antibiotic properties.
Juice fasting fruits and vegetable juices may be divided into six main types.
These are: Juices from acid fruits like orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry and pineapple. Juices from vegetable fruits, namely, tomato and cucumber. Juices from green leafy vegetables like cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley and watercress. Juices from root vegetables like beetroot, carrot, onion, potato and radish.
Generally speaking, fruit juices stir up toxins and acids in the body, thereby stimulating the eliminative processes. Vegetable juices, on the other hand, soothe the jaded nerves and work in a much milder manner. They carry away toxic matter in a gentle way. Owing to their differing actions fruit and vegetable juices should not be used at the same time or mixed together. It is desirable to use juices individually. In any case when juice fasting not more than three juices should be used in any one mixture.
Juices from sweet fruits such as prunes and grapes. Juices from sub-acid fruits like apple, plum, pear, peach, apricot and cherry. Juice fasting is also safer than water fasting because it supports the body nutritionally while cleansing and probably even produces a better detoxification and quicker recovery time.
While juice fasting the stomach actually shrinks to its original size (the size of your fist).
After three days of just ingesting raw organic and fresh juices, broth and tea, you will lose all cravings for solid food. Your mind might tell you otherwise, but your body is very content. When you just drink your food, your stomach gets a physiological rest, allowing the colon to shed old compacted and putrefied material that was waiting there to cause future disease.
What exactly is juice fasting?
A juice fast is a liquid, nourishing diet consisting of just juice and water. Many natural healers have combined periods of fasting with certain supplements which help to speed up the benefits of the fast.
The favorable effect of raw juices in the treatment of disease is attributed to the following facts:
The juices extracted from raw fruits & vegetables require no digestion & almost all their vital nutrients are assimilated directly in the bloodstream. Raw juices are extremely rich in alkaline elements. This is highly beneficial in normalizing acid alkaline balance in the blood & tissues as their is over acidity in most conditions of ill health.
Raw juices of fruits & vegetables are extremely rich in vitamins & minerals, trace elements, enzymes & natural sugars. They exercise beneficial effect in normalizing all the body functions. They supply needed elements for the body's own healing activity & cell regeneration thereby speeding the recovery.
Raw juices contain certain natural medicines, vegetal hormones & antibiotics. For instance, string beans are said to contain insulin like substance. Certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber & onion juices. Fresh juices of garlic, onions, radish & tomatoes contain antibiotic substances.
Generous amounts of easily assimilable organic minerals in raw juices especially calcium, potassium & silicon help in restoring biochemical & mineral balance in the tissues & cells, thereby preventing premature aging of cells & disease.
At my age I felt it was time to reboot my bodies computer and this sounds like the best way to do it. Follow along my journey and if you have questions, just ask here on this blog.
Tre! this is awesome! I actually just bought a juicer today too, and created my first green juice and it was surprisingly yummy. I did have a normal dinner but I do plan on completely juice fasting too. Soon. Maybe only for 10 days to start and then I'll go from there. I wish you all the best on your fast, I'll be following your progress! yay! xoxoxoRebecca
ReplyDeleteAWESOME!!!!! I'm going to slowly break my fast the week before Artcar Fest! Then probably go back on it after depending on how I feel.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear how it's going and share recipes with ya girl.
How cool you are juice fasting at the same time.
Love it!
How exciting! I'm actually starting a juice fast tomorrow, so I'll be coming back to your blog for recipes and encouragement. Best to you!
ReplyDeleteOk, so a friend did a 14 day juice fast and lost 15 pounds, said he felt like crap the whole time. But I still went ahead and bought a juicer, excited to get healthy after a year of debauchery. Do you have any suggestions as to how long one should do a fast?
ReplyDeleteHi! I read a few books, and scoured a few good juice fasting websites, and then tried it. What I suggest is start slow. Start taking yourself off meat, dairy, coffee, alcohol, sugar, white flour.... For a week before you start juicing, eat more fresh veggies and fresh fruit, smaller portions etc. Juicing is easy, and yummy, you don't go hungry really because your body is getting great vitamins from the live juice.
ReplyDeleteStart juicing for 3 days at first to see how you feel (It hardest in the first week, psychologically and emotionally to not eat) but I felt good on the fourth day, and then decoded to go until 10 days, I felt amazing after 10, so I kept going. I went 20 days and then slowly broke my fast. I did it again for 10 days... I know people who have gone 90 days. You will feel amazing! Your body gets a vacation, all kinds of junk comes out of you when you break your fast, you will be shocked. It's good to detox as long as you feel good doing it. Building your immune system and feeling thinner is a huge bonus! Let me know how it goes for you. Good Luck!
So, day 4 of fast, going strong. Second day a little rough, but it was just an exercise in fortitude. Have lost two pounds a day so far, lots of energy, but really strange nighttime dreams!(and not just about cheeseburgers!) Looking forward to the ultimate prize.
DeleteJuicing detox recipes serve as the best source to diet plans and weight loss. It cleanses the toxins from your body with recipes enriched with antioxidants, nutrients and flavor. It can even improve your complexion by bringing in the vitality of raw fruit and vegetable juices in your diet.